Deidre Hurse, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies

Deidre HurseDeidre Hurse, Ph.D., joined Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in August of 2020 as an assistant professor in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies. She teaches medical students about health promotion, health-harming social determinants, and practical applications of public health principles. Dr. Hurse has an interdisciplinary background in both academic and executive leadership. In addition to leading the Michigan Community Health Worker Alliance, she has leadership experience in health center operations and enabling services. Dr. Hurse is also an active member of the American Public Health Association and serves on the Michigan HIV/AIDS Council. 

Contact Information:
Office: 462 O’Dowd Hall
Phone: (248) 370-3666

Public health and health care administration

Ph.D. Health & Rehabilitation Sciences:  Concentration Health Services Research, Minor Health Literacy, Indiana University IUPUI School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, Indianapolis IN, 

Master of Public Administration (MPA): Focus Healthcare Management, University of Michigan-Horace Rackham School of Graduate Studies, MI, 

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW): University of Michigan-Flint

Research Interests:
Research interest includes health equity, social determinants of health, communicable disease prevention, and community-based participatory research that addresses health disparities.