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Office of 金融援助 and Scholarships

North Foundation Hall, 120房间
318 Meadow Brook Road
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-2550
[email protected]

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
Have your Grizzly ID ready

Summer 办公时间:
May 15 - June 30: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 1 - July 14: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 15 - August 18: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

OU school code: 002307

Student employment contact: [email protected]

We are committed to ensuring you're able to 访问 我们的网站. For assistance with technical resources, contact OU's Student Technology Center.

Office of 金融援助 and Scholarships

North Foundation Hall, 120房间
318 Meadow Brook Road
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-2550
[email protected]

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
Have your Grizzly ID ready

Summer 办公时间:
May 15 - June 30: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 1 - July 14: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 15 - August 18: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

OU school code: 002307

Student employment contact: [email protected]

We are committed to ensuring you're able to 访问 我们的网站. For assistance with technical resources, contact OU's Student Technology Center.


Information for Additional Learning Opportunities

Considering 夏天 classes or studying 在国外 or away? 也许你想通过继续教育课程来提高你的专业或个人经验, 或者在失业后需要帮助重新进入劳动力市场. 继续往下读,了解额外教育机会可能提供的经济援助.

Continuing Education

继续教育指的是额外的正式学习活动,通常不关注大学学位的结果. 这些活动可以在校园环境中提供, online or through in-house custom programming, 并让你重新关注或推进你的专业或教育事业.

许多银行和贷款机构提供私人贷款资金来帮助学生支付教育费用. OU will certify a private loan from any private lender. 有许多私人贷款可供选择,学生可以选择向他们选择的任何银行机构申请私人贷款. Read more about federal and private loan options.

民间援助 Information

OU’s Professional and Continuing Education (PACE)


选择 出国留学 is one of life’s most enriching experiences. 你获得的知识将扩展你的视野,并带来丰富的文化教育. 额外的好处? 你可能有资格获得经济援助,以帮助支付你的经验.

为了确保充分考虑经济援助资格,你应该填写一份 FAFSA 为出国留学项目进行的学年. 所有从海外学习项目返回的学生都有责任确保他们的课程作业在项目结束之日起60天内评分. 未能在韦德体育app官网成绩单上显示分级工作可能会导致取消支付给海外留学计划的经济援助或延迟支付该计划之后的学期的经济援助.

Students interested in participating in the study away program 你是否也有资格获得经济援助来支付你的实习费用.

If you have questions, 请致电(248)370-2550联系财务援助顾问或到北基金会大厅, 120房间. 我们可以帮助您在国外学习和解决财务问题.

Fall and Winter Semester 出国留学
A 经济援助出国留学确认和费用工作表 由留学协调员填写的表格必须提交给学生金融服务中心.

Summer Semester 出国留学
如果你在夏季学期参加海外学习项目,你必须填写一份 Summer 金融援助 Request, preceding the 夏天 出国留学 program. You must also attach a 经济援助出国留学确认和费用工作表 由留学协调员填写暑期经济资助申请表并一并提交所有材料.

注意: 经济援助可能只适用于公开大学的海外学习项目. 如果你通过其他大学/学院参加了出国留学项目, financial aid is not available through OU.


每一个 夏天 开放大学提供1000多种课堂、在线和在线课程 在国外 to keep you advancing toward your degree, 完成一门必修课或选修课来扩展你的知识——不用像一般的学期那样忙碌和紧张.


为了获得暑期援助,你能做的最重要的事情就是完成一份申请 FAFSA. We must have a 2023-2024 FAFSA on file before June 30, 2024年或最后一个夏季2024年课程结束前两周, whichever is earlier.


Most financial aid is awarded for the fall and winter semesters; aid for 夏天 is limited and eligibility depends on what was received in the previous fall and winter. 

  • If you’re eligible to use an OU scholarship or grant,您将通过开放大学的电子邮件收到通知(包括如何申请奖励的说明)。.
  • If you’re eligible for the 佩尔助学金,如果你参加了至少一半的课程(六个或更多学分),你将自动获得该奖项。. If you’re attending less than half-time in the 夏天, 你可以获得秋季和/或冬季佩尔奖剩余的任何金额. 在3月1日之前,您可以在gmail的Award Overview选项卡上查看夏季提供的佩尔助学金.
  • 如果您希望获得联邦直接补贴和/或无补贴贷款, 您应该查看下面的注册状态信息 and if remaining loan eligibility exists, complete a Summer 金融援助 Request. 如果您在访问暑期财政援助申请表时遇到困难, 请退出所有程序,除了你的韦德体育app官网的电子邮件,然后再试一次. Please review the Maximum Loan 资格 Chart before you complete your request.
  • If you meet the requirements for the Federal TEACH Grant 并希望获得夏季经济援助,请填写一份 Summer 金融援助 Request.
  • 联邦直接 Parent PLUS and 研究生 PLUS loans, 民间援助 额外的非需求资源是否需要单独的应用程序. 了解更多关于 federal student loans 收到秋季,冬季和夏季学期,包括年度和总贷款限额. 

学生必须被合格的学位课程录取, post-master’s and certificate program或学位准备课程,以考虑经济援助. 背书,第二专业,专业发展,非学位, continuing education、考试学分(能力学分)、旁听课程、客座学生等. do not qualify for federal aid but might qualify for 民间援助.

Enrollment Status Information

本科*: 12+ credits
研究生: 8+ credits

Three-quarter time
本科*: 9-11 credits
研究生: 6-7 credits

本科*: 6-8 credits
研究生: 4-5 credits

Less than half-time**
本科*: 1-5 credits
研究生: 1-3 credits

*Includes first and second undergraduate degrees, 教师资格证和本科/研究生非学位预备课程.
