Photo of 草地溪厅, a large historic brown brick building.

建筑 & 结构

韦德体育app官网的许多建筑和设施都以重要人物或团体的名字命名. 以下是这些建筑的列表以及它们如何命名的信息.


Dedicated in 1962, Anibal房子 was named for Mr. 和夫人. 本杰明H. Anibal. Mr. Anibal was a retired chief engineer at Pontiac Motors. 哈罗德一个 .赠送的4.5万美元礼物. Fitzgerald furnished Anibal and Fitzgerald houses.

The pavilion was completed in 1964 and was named after Howard Baldwin, 克雷斯基基金会的受托人和副总裁,也是底特律许多金融机构的成员.

卡洛塔和丹尼斯Pawley Hall
丹尼斯Pawley, 是韦德体育app官网的校友和受托人, 还有他的妻子, 卡洛塔, 2004年向该校捐赠了400万美元,将教育与人类服务学院的大楼命名为卡洛塔和丹尼斯·波利大厅. 最先进的130,奥克兰市教育与公共服务学院占地1000平方英尺,内有31间教室, 八个会议室, 163个教职员工办公室和洛瑞幼儿教育中心. Pawley Hall was dedicated on Founders' Day in 2004. Pawley还在2002年以100万美元的捐赠建立了Pawley精益学习研究所.

约翰F. Dodge was the first husband of OU co-founder Matilda Dodge 威尔逊. He also was the co-founder of Dodge Brothers Motor Cars. The engineering building was named to honor him and his brother, Horace E. Dodge, for their contributions to automotive engineering.

位于Kresge图书馆以北, 这座151英尺高的塔的建造得益于奥克兰长期支持者的慷慨捐赠, 休和南希·艾略特. 2014年竣工, the structure became the 14th carillon tower in Michigan, and only the fourth located on a university campus. 它的49个钟是由辛辛那提Verdin公司和皇家贝尔铸造厂Petit设计和铸造的 & 荷兰的弗里特森. 了解更多有关 艾略特塔.

Elliott Hall of 业务 and Information Technology

以捐助者R命名. 休和南希·艾略特, the hall was dedicated on Sept. 2000年2月22日,并设有工商管理学院和信息技术学院.

Built in 2014 as the new home for the School of 工程与计算机科学, 这127,000-square-foot facility features state-of-the-art classrooms and research space. 该建筑是韦德体育app官网工程和计算机科学社区的中心. 


哈罗德一个. 菲茨杰拉德是庞蒂亚克出版社的出版人,也是密歇根州立大学奥克兰基金会的首任负责人. His gift of $45,000 furnished Fitzgerald and Anibal houses.

Now known as North 基金会大厅, it was dedicated Oct. 1, 1959, as the first building on the Michigan State University - Oakland campus. 基金会大厅 was named to recognize the work of the MSUO Foundation, 一个由50名社区领袖组成的团体,他们的工作在一定程度上促成了该大学对文科的关注.

乔治T. 马修斯的公寓
乔治T. Matthews was an OU charter faculty member for the College of 艺术与科学. He came to OU in 1959 as an associate professor of history. 在接下来的几年里, he served the university as the History Department chair, 人文学院副院长, 文理学院院长, 教务长和, 1979年至1981年, 他是奥克兰的临时总统.

Built in 1967, the center was named after Mr. 和夫人. 格雷厄姆·J. Graham for their support and contributions to the university. The Grahams were life members of the Chancellors Club, 向大学捐了大量钱的捐赠者组织. They also served as trustees of the OU Foundation.

Delos Hamlin曾担任奥克兰县监事会主席和MSUO基金会董事会成员.

约翰•汉娜, who is the former president of Michigan State University, helped establish Michigan State University - Oakland.


2012年竣工, 172年,000平方英尺的人类健康大楼容纳了护理学院和健康科学学院. 64美元的.4 million facility features state-of-the-art classrooms, 研讨会的房间, 互动媒体中心, 物理治疗诊所和临床, 电脑, 模拟和远程学习实验室. 该建筑采用了最先进的环保设计,并拥有256个地热井,以提高能源效率, the largest variable refrigerant heat pump system in the U.S.以及提供冷却、湿度控制和加热水供应的太阳能电池板.

琼·罗森写作工作室, 位于克雷斯基图书馆, 为韦德体育app官网的学生提供了一个与同行写作顾问一起磨练写作技巧的地方,他们提供支持和指导. The OU Writing Center was made possible with a founding grant of $300,来自琼·罗森, 英语名誉教授, 还有她的丈夫, 罗伯特。, 并于2006年投入使用. As a professor of English at 韦德体育app官网 in the '60s and '70s, Rosen served as the director of OU's original writing center.

John and Matilda Dodge purchased this farmhouse and 320 acres in 1908 for $50,000 to use as a country home during weekends. 这所房子,扩大到包括14个房间,位于庄园的最高点. 道奇夫妇最终买下了八个相邻的农场,组成了占地1500英亩的梅多布鲁克庄园. Matilda lived in the Dodge House until her husband's death in 1920, but returned in 1925 with her second husband, 阿尔弗雷德·G. 威尔逊, while 草地溪厅 was being built. 1957年,威尔逊夫妇将庄园及其场地捐赠给韦德体育app官网.

Mr. 和夫人. 马文·卡特克(Marvin Katke. 和夫人. 俄勒冈州立大学的朋友和邻居哈罗德·考辛斯(Harold Cousins)出资50万美元开发了这个高尔夫球场. 马文·卡特克从1970年到1972年担任公开大学董事会主席,并担任公开大学基金会主席. Harold Cousins served as the OU Foundation vice president.

Completed in 1964, the laboratory was named after the late Charles F. 凯特林是密歇根州米尔福德通用汽车物理研究实验室的前负责人. 吉福德B. Scott continued Kettering's research after his death in 1958.

塞巴斯蒂安年代. 克雷斯基是克雷斯基连锁商店的创始人,也是克雷斯基基金会的创始人,他捐赠了1美元.5 million to build the original library building. One of the wings is named for Howard McGregor, former director of the OU Foundation and longtime OU supporter.

Hollie L. Lepley guided the first recreation program at Michigan State University - Oakland. 1959年至1979年,他在公开大学任职. The 莱普利体育中心 is now part of the OU 娱乐 and 体育运动 Center.

中心, 以前住在改建的鸡舍里,原来是梅多布鲁克庄园的一部分, 以马修·R. 洛瑞, 一位公开大学的研究生,她是第一批参加幼儿硕士课程的学生之一. 作为学校项目的一部分,洛瑞将奥克兰校园内的幼儿中心概念化. 他的项目演变成了现在该中心的幼儿项目. The converted chicken coops once were used by 梅多布鲁克剧院, 是谁在70年代早期把它们腾出来的. 这些建筑后来被用于教师和员工的学前教育项目. 洛瑞和他的团队后来在学前班的后屋开始了这个试点项目. In August 2002, the center moved to the new 教育及公共服务 Building.

Built in 1997 at a cost of roughly $43 million, 这座八层塔楼的学术设施在校园天际线中占据着突出的位置. 该建筑是化学系、数学与统计系和物理系的所在地.

玛蒂尔达·道奇·威尔逊和她的第二任丈夫, 阿尔弗雷德·G. 威尔逊, 在参观了许多欧洲豪宅寻求建筑灵感后,他在20世纪20年代末设计了梅多布鲁克大厅. The Tudor-revival-style mansion was built between 1926 and 1929 at a cost of $3.500万美元,以流经1500英亩庄园的小溪命名. The 80,000-square-foot home has 100 rooms and the largest pipe organ in the state. 1957年,威尔逊夫妇将庄园及其场地捐赠给韦德体育app官网. Public tours of 草地溪厅 began in 1971.

完工于1959年,奥克兰中心被设计成校园里的主要学生中心. A 30,2000平方英尺的扩建工程, 包括一栋两层楼, semi-circular glass front offering spectacular views of the campus mall, 已于2003年9月完成.

The 500-bed student housing complex opened in September 2014. The $30 million facility gives freshmen and sophomores access to a small cafe, 学生会议场地, 以及私人和小组学习. The building is also the home of OU’s 荣誉学院. 关于这个的更多信息 学生宿舍.

This building was named after Jan and Donald O'Dowd. When Donald O'Dowd first came to OU, he taught psychology. 1961年7月,他被任命为大学院长,后来担任教务长. 1970年,他担任了两个月的公开大学第二任校长,1970年至1979年,他担任了公开大学校长.

Mr. 和夫人. 哈里米. 布卢姆菲尔德山的普耶鲁大学通过普耶鲁基金会的捐赠使这座建筑成为可能.

R & S Sharf高尔夫球场
Stephen Sharf, 一位退休的克莱斯勒高管, 还有他的妻子, 丽塔, donated $2 million to build the second of OU's two 18-hole golf courses. It was the third-largest gift ever made by individuals to the university. 高尔夫球场于2000年8月开业.

Named for university benefactor Alice Shotwell-Gustafson, 展馆, 它连着三个马棚, was built in 1935 for Alfred and Matilda 威尔逊 to use as a riding ring. 该建筑后来被用于存储和室内棒球练习,直到1986年成为梅多布鲁克健康促进研究所的附属机构.

Built in 1965, the terrace was named after Mr. 和夫人. 乔治T. Trumbull.

穆雷D. Van Wagoner was a former Michigan governor and resident of Oakland County. 范瓦格纳大厅的命名是为了纪念他在担任州长期间对高等教育的贡献.


D.B. "Woody" Varner served as 公开大学首任校长 from 1958-1970. 宝拉是他的妻子.

这所房子, 建于1938年左右, 最初被用作梅多布鲁克农场庄园的家禽经理的家. Later it was remodeled and served as the residence of Woody Varner, 公开大学首任校长, while Alfred and Matilda 威尔逊 occupied Sunset Terrace and 草地溪厅.

玛蒂尔达·道奇·威尔逊和她的第二任丈夫, 阿尔弗雷德•威尔逊, founded Michigan State University - Oakland with a gift of $2 million and their 1,占地500英亩的庄园.


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